Studio190 wants to revolutionize events in Springville by providing a free space for the community to share knowledge, culture, passions, and creative ideas.

If a small group of people contributed a few dollars a day, the financial barrier for using the space will be eliminated, and Studio190 could reach out to all kinds of people to try something new inside.

Studio 190 would be buzzing with activity. Movie nights, food tastings with local chefs, culture and skill sharing presentations for kids and adults. The possibilities are endless.

Commit $50 per month for one year and become a big part of the Studio:

  1. Join our twice a year sponsers-only meetings where we discuss and plan the Studio’s future and come up with fun ideas to try out ourselves.

  2. Get an advertising spot on our Info Reel, a big TV screen in the window that runs ads 24/7

  3. Get a classic Studio190 shirt only held by sponsors!

Or send me message to arrange something: