STUDIO190 is a versatile, street-facing venue to be used for activities and events which bring consistent things to do in downtown Springville as well as inspire local residents to be creative and participate in the creation/development of these events.

Rental pricing below

PARTY RATE (2-3 hours)


+ $ 30cleaning fee

For birthdays, dinner parties, whatever you want to use the space for.

Included Amenities

  • Promotion of event on our Instagram (@happeninginspringville). Each story we post currently gets from 150-200 views.

  • Promotion on our website’s Events section.

  • 40 chairs

  • 4 tables which can accommodate a max of  32 people

  • Heating and cooling of the room

  • Bathroom access

  • Sink with hot and cold water

CLASS options (1-2 hours)


Recommended for those who have done classes and already have a following

Flat rate to rent the space and you make all the profit from ticket sales.

$50+20% PROFITS

Recommended for those who haven’t done many classes before

Try out an idea with only $50 down.

Contact us